Index (com.equo.chromium 128.0.0-SNAPSHOT API)
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addAuthenticationListener(AuthenticationListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when authentication is required.
addCloseWindowListener(CloseWindowListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when the window hosting the receiver should be closed.
addConsoleListener(ChromiumBrowser.ConsoleListener) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Adds a listener to receive console events from the browser.
addLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when the current location has changed or is about to change.
addOpenWindowListener(OpenWindowListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when a new window needs to be created.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when a progress is made during the loading of the current URL or when the loading of the current URL has been completed.
addressBar - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Specifies whether the Shell hosting the Browser should display an address bar.
addStatusTextListener(StatusTextListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when the status text is changed.
addTitleListener(TitleListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when the title of the current document is available or has changed.
addVisibilityWindowListener(VisibilityWindowListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when a window hosting the receiver needs to be displayed or hidden.


back() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Navigate to the previous session history item.
Browser - Class in com.equo.chromium.swt
Instances of this class implement the browser user interface.
Browser(Object, int) - Constructor for class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Browser(Composite, int) - Constructor for class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
browser - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Browser provided by the application.
BrowserFunction - Class in com.equo.chromium.swt
Instances of this class represent java-side "functions" that are invokable from javascript.
BrowserFunction(Browser, String) - Constructor for class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Constructs a new instance of this class, which will be invokable by javascript running in the specified Browser.
BrowserFunction(Browser, String, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Constructs a new instance of this class, which will be invokable by javascript running in the specified Browser.


canGoBack() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Checks whether there is a previous page to navigate back to in the browsing history.
canGoForward() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Checks whether there is a subsequent page to navigate forward to in the browsing history.
captureScreenshot() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Capture screenshot from browser.
captureScreenshot(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Capture screenshots of a specific area.
check() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.CompatibleWithHost
Performs the toolkit check.
ChromiumBrowser - Interface in com.equo.chromium
It provides the methods for the creation of the different types of browsers SWT, Swing, Standalone, Windowless as well as the complementary methods for their management.
ChromiumBrowser.ConsoleListener - Interface in com.equo.chromium
Listener to receive console events from the browser.
clearCookies(String, String) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
/** Delete cookies matching the url and name regex patterns.
clearSessions() - Static method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Clears all session cookies from all current Browser instances.
close() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
close() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Attempts to dispose the receiver, but allows the dispose to be vetoed by the user in response to an onbeforeunload listener in the Browser's current page.
com.equo.chromium - package com.equo.chromium
com.equo.chromium.swt - package com.equo.chromium.swt
com.equo.chromium.utils - package com.equo.chromium.utils
compatibleWithHost() - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a CompatibleWithHost constructor.
CompatibleWithHost - Interface in com.equo.chromium


display_header_footer - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Set to true to print headers and footers or false to not print headers and footers.
dispose() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Disposes of the operating system resources associated with the receiver and all its descendants.
dispose() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Disposes of the resources associated with this BrowserFunction.
dispose(boolean) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Disposes of the resources associated with this BrowserFunction.


earlyInit() - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Early load and initialize the Equo Chromium engine and libraries.
evaluate(String) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns the result, if any, of executing the specified script.
evaluate(String, boolean) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns the result, if any, of executing the specified script.
execute(String) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Executes the specified script.
executeJavacript(String) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Executes JavaScript code within the context of the browser window. Use executeJavaScript(String) instead.
executeJavaScript(String) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Executes JavaScript code within the context of the browser window.


find(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Finds text within the browser window based on the specified search criteria.
footer_template - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
HTML template for the print footer.
forward() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Navigate to the next session history item.
function(Object[]) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Subclasses should override this method.


getAllBrowsers() - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Retrieves a collection of all ChromiumBrowser instances currently active within the application.
getBrowser() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Returns the Browser whose pages can invoke this BrowserFunction.
getBrowserType() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns the type of native browser being used by this instance.
getCookie(String, String) - Static method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns the value of a cookie that is associated with a URL.
getErrors() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Gets all errors when the rendering process terminates unexpectedly.
getFrameNames() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Gets a array names of all frames in context browser.
getJavascriptEnabled() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns true if javascript will be allowed to run in pages subsequently viewed in the receiver, and false otherwise.
getLocalStorage() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Returns an instance of LocalStorage.
getName() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Returns the name that javascript can use to invoke this BrowserFunction.
getSessionStorage() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Returns an instance of SessionStorage.
getStyle() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns the receiver's style information.
getText() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns a string with HTML that represents the content of the current page.
getUIComponent() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Gets the Composite or Component UI object, depending on the current toolkit.
getUrl() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Gets the current url.
getUrl() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns the current URL.
getWebBrowser() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Gets a ChromiumBrowser API instance for the current browser.
getZoom() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Get the current zoom level.
goBack() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Loads the previous location in the back-forward list.
goForward() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Loads the next location in the back-forward list.


header_template - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
HTML template for the print header.


ignoreCertificateErrors(boolean) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Ignore certificate errors in the browser.
index - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
isBackEnabled() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns true if the receiver can navigate to the previous session history item, and false otherwise.
isClosed() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Checks if the browser has been closed.
isCreated() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Checks whether the browser has been created.
isDisposed() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
Returns true if this BrowserFunction has been disposed and false otherwise.
isFocusControl() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns true if the receiver has the user-interface focus, and false otherwise.
isForwardEnabled() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Returns true if the receiver can navigate to the next session history item, and false otherwise.
isLoading() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Checks whether the browser is currently loading a page.


landscape - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Set to true for landscape mode or false for portrait mode.
location - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Requested location for the Shell hosting the Browser.


margin_bottom - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Margins in inches.
margin_left - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Margins in inches.
margin_right - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Margins in inches.
margin_top - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Margins in inches.
margin_type - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Specifies the type of margin to use.
menuBar - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Specifies whether the Shell hosting the Browser should display a menu bar.
message(int, String, String, int) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser.ConsoleListener
level: 2 (INFO), 3 (WARNING), 4 (ERROR).


open(WindowEvent) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.swt.OpenWindowListener
This method is called when a new window needs to be created.
OpenWindowListener - Interface in com.equo.chromium.swt
This listener interface may be implemented in order to receive a WindowEvent notification when a new Browser needs to be provided by the application.


page_ranges - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Paper ranges to print, one based, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'.
paper_height - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Output paper size in inches.
paper_width - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Output paper size in inches.
PdfPrintSettings - Class in com.equo.chromium.utils
PDF print settings for browser.printToPDF()
PdfPrintSettings() - Constructor for class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
PdfPrintSettings.MarginType - Enum in com.equo.chromium.utils
Types of margins to be used.
prefer_css_page_size - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Set to true to prefer page size as defined by css.
print_background - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
Set to true to print background graphics or false to not print background graphics.
printToPdf(String, PdfPrintSettings) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Print the current browser contents as a PDF.
printToPdf(String) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Print the current browser contents as a PDF.


refresh() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Refresh the current page.
reload() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Reloads the currently loaded web page.
removeAuthenticationListener(AuthenticationListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when authentication is required.
removeCloseWindowListener(CloseWindowListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the window hosting the receiver should be closed.
removeConsoleListener(ChromiumBrowser.ConsoleListener) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Removes a previously added console listener from the browser.
removeLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the current location is changed or about to be changed.
removeOpenWindowListener(OpenWindowListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a new window needs to be created.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a progress is made during the loading of the current URL or when the loading of the current URL has been completed.
removeStatusTextListener(StatusTextListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the status text is changed.
removeTitleListener(TitleListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the title of the current document is available or has changed.
removeVisibilityWindowListener(VisibilityWindowListener) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a window hosting the receiver needs to be displayed or hidden.
required - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Specifies whether the platform requires the user to provide a Browser to handle the new window.
router - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction


scale - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings
The percentage to scale the PDF by before printing (e.g.
setCookie(String, String) - Static method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Sets a cookie on a URL.
setJavascriptEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Sets whether javascript will be allowed to run in pages subsequently viewed in the receiver.
setText(String) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Sets the text content of the browser window to the specified string.
setText(String) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Renders a string containing HTML.
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Renders a string containing HTML.
setUrl(String) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Sets the URL of the browser to the specified location.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Begins loading a URL.
setUrl(String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Begins loading a URL.
showDevTools() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Opens a new browser with the DevTools view of the current browser instance.
size - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Requested Browser size.
standalone(String) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a Standalone browser.
standalone(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a Standalone browser with specific window bounds.
standalone(String, Rectangle) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a Standalone browser with specific window bounds.
startBrowsers() - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Start the CEF event loop when creating in Standalone and Windowless browsers.
statusBar - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Specifies whether the Shell hosting the Browser should display a status bar.
stop() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Cancels any pending navigation or download operation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.
stop() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.Browser
Stop any loading and rendering activity.
swing(Object, String, String) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a Swing browser.
swing(String) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a Swing browser.
swt(Object, int) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a SWT browser.


text() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Gets a source text in the browser.
token - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
toolBar - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Specifies whether the Shell hosting the Browser should display a tool bar.
top - Variable in class com.equo.chromium.swt.BrowserFunction
toString() - Method in class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of the receiver.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings.MarginType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.equo.chromium.utils.PdfPrintSettings.MarginType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WindowEvent - Class in com.equo.chromium.swt
A WindowEvent is sent by a Browser when a new window needs to be created or when an existing window needs to be closed.
WindowEvent(Widget) - Constructor for class com.equo.chromium.swt.WindowEvent
Constructs a new instance of this class.
windowless(String) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a Windowless browser.
windowless(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Create a Windowless browser with specific window bounds.
windowless() - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.CompatibleWithHost
Configure the compatibility check for the windowless toolkit.


zoom(double) - Method in interface com.equo.chromium.ChromiumBrowser
Change the zoom level to the specified value.
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